Sunday, October 17, 2010

& yes, going into the recent "I like it on.." campaign on facebook to promote awareness for breast cancer topic. People think facebook is a "platform to reach out to teenagers" but honestly, which youth wouldn't KNOW of the term breast cancer? This status only creates awareness for the term but do people actually try to find out more about how they can support cancer patients? (the main purpose of such campaigns)

This reminds me of advertisements. I was thinking about whether adverts can "fail" to achieve their aim. I think adverts are to remind us of the existence of such products, and even the lousiest advert can achieve that. It's success depends on its persuasiveness and that's the main aim of them right?

The breast cancer campaign merely reminds us of the existence of breast cancer which we already know of, and therefore does not serve it's function as a campaign. Okay, if you call it a meme instead of a campaign it might be better.

Still, what's the use of creating awareness when what cancer patients need is really support and help from us? It's worse when it's so suggestive and people end up passing it off as a joke. It's no joke.

The white house did shine pink spotlights on it to show its support, I don't think many were actually disturbed. I think it's all about how the topic is being treated and it has become more of a personal conversation starter.

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